Hi, I’m Ronald Helgers.
I believe that shifting towards a planet-centric design paradigm is crucial to ensure a sustainable future.

Design as a vehicle for sustainability

I am an Interaction Designer and Researcher at RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) in Umeå, currently working from The Netherlands. In 2017, I graduated with honor (Cum Laude) for the Master’s degree program Industrial Design at the University of Technology in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

As an interaction designer, I take responsibility in orchestrating the interaction between people and technology, carefully creating meaning for those involved. With a growing interest towards a more inclusive and sustainable perspective of the planet as a whole, I contribute to the shift of the design paradigm towards a more sustainable one.

During the last years, I have worked with social design, sustainability, digitization, additive manufacturing, interaction design, service- and product design and development. I am experienced in multidisciplinary teamwork, design workshops, user-focused design process, design methodologies, UX/UI, front-end programming and 3D visualizations and models. Read more about my work here.

In my spare time, I play volleyball, organize parties and enjoy an outdoor lifestyle with forest hikes, gardening and ecological beekeeping. Get in touch with me on LinkedIn or contact@ronaldhelgers.com.